Novosibirsk is considered to be the Capital of Siberia. I don't think it is really so. It is a huge city with many research and business centers, theatres and universities. But for me it's just a big village as the transportation system is awful. There are only 12 or 13 underground stations, so you have to spend long hours in traffic jams.
Our city is situated in West Siberia, on both banks of the Ob. In winter the temperature can be 30 or even 40 degrees below zero. The city was founded in 1893 by Garin Michailovsky.
There are not many places to visit. The only great place is our Zoo. It’s a huge park, in fact, where animals have nearly everything that they have in wildlife. The greatest attraction is white bears which swim in a huge pool, play with the visitors and ask for bread and ice cream. It's a family: Gerda (f), Kay (m) and thier charming twins.
Видео, снятое в Новосибирском зоопарке имени Ростислава Шило, разместила в интернете жительница города Анна Новикова.