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What movie?Have you watched this movie?
Фух!!! I was scaredThis is simply an extract from "To be or not to be"!
What Dreams May ComeWhat movie are you talking about?
What Dreams May ComeWhat movie?
Good night!Ok, girls!
It's time to sleep for me!
Hope we'll continue our talk later...
Good night!
doesn't matter! The main thing is that we have this cosy place to communicate!Дорогие друзья!
Марафон предполагает программу английского с начального уровня. Мне нужно знать, интересно ли вам это.
Голосовалка наверху
Dear friends!
A marathon involves an English program from an elementary level. I need to know if you are interested in this.
Voter Above
WelcomeHi, everybody! I'd been waiting for the club for such a long time that finally missed the announcement))) But now I'm here with you!
Late. I'm going to bed and sleep/ Good night!waitin' for someone to talk to
Ich studierte das an der Hochschule)Ich habe das vorgeschlagene Thema einfach nicht ganz verstanden. Ich dachte, dass sie hier die Sprache unterrichten würden. Ich habe lange gewollt. Deutsch ist für mich nicht interessant. Ich entschuldige mich dafür, dass ich angesehene Leute von meinem Geschwätz abgelenkt habe )
me too)And I'm glad
I also learn English
because its dating sites )just calling anotherWhy is it difficult?
There is Vatsap and other applications and sites where you can get acquainted with the media and communicate
True, I haven’t talked yet.
About myself. I adore birds. Read articles, watch video, etc. One day I saw a title 'An unusual hobby'. Hobby? Unusual? Do you really mean it? Let me read it! In a moment I found out that 'hobby' was just 'pastime'... ooopsДрузья!!!Предлагаю Вам немного рассказать о себе на английском!!!
Тем, кто владеет английским языком на уровне профи, предлагаю присоединиться к проверке правильности рассказов!!!
I suggest you to tell a little about yourself in English !!!
For those who speak English at the pro level, I propose to join the verification of the correctness of the stories !!!