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гринпис. world of crocodiles.среда обитания человека
Мой предок утверждал, что каждый раз, когда Вы устранили невозможное, независимо от того, что остается, каким бы невероятным оно ни оказалось, должно и быть истиной.An ancestor of mine maintained that whenever you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.
настроение, душа, спиртspirits
Vodka must be 40 degrees, and not 30, first and second, God knows what they its soiled. You can say that they will come to mind? (professor of Preobrazhenskiy).
"Собачье сердце" - один из самых известных романов Михаила Булгакова."A dog's heart" is one of the most known novels by Mikhail Bulgakov.
Never. Never remove the lampshade from the lamp! Lampshade is sacred. You don't have to flee like a rat from an unknown danger. You sleep next to the lampshade, read — let them even think about. Wait until they come for you.
Ну и в догонку... Не сочтите за труд, перевести (извините за много букв, потратил на это дело около часа):
- Bastard he is, with hatred continued Turbin, — he himself cannot speak that language! Huh? The day before yesterday I asked a question to this idiot, the doctor Kurizkiy, he said, what have forgotten how to speak Russian since November of last year. Was Kurizkiy, and became Kuritsky... So here I ask: how in Ukrainian "cat"? He says: "whale". I am ask: "how do you say "whale" ? And he stopped, stared and was silent. And now he does not want to bow.
Nikolka with a crackling and laugh, said: — the Word whale they can't be, because in Ukraine there are no whales, but in Russia a whole lot. In the White sea are whales.
Как ты умудрился потратить час, всего лишь на копирование цитаты из Интернета (вольный перевод )ps @Нейманд, how it happened you spent an hour just on copying of a quotation from the internet?!!
"When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity." Albert Einstein
«Когда Вы ухаживаете за хорошей девочкой, час походит на секунду. Когда Вы сидите на раскаленной золе, секунда кажется часом. Это и есть относительность». Альберт Эйнштейн"When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity." Albert Einstein