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Well... at the crossroads work-wise. Again. And quiet messed up overall. What's your news?how have you been?
Had a flight change in your neck of the woods not long ago, it was warm indeed. And I saw temp dropping below 30 few days priorSpring suddenly came. Enormously happy.
Flamingos? In your area?? Something must've seriously screwed their flightpath))30 is more typical for us than mosquitos in November and flamingos (ever) are.
Really weird stuff ? I'm sure most locals saw flamingo only if they googled one)The same happened in Khanty-Mansi
Hi .Hey, everyone!
What was your most memorable moment of the summer?
At first I had the same reaction
a year has passedAt first I had the same reaction
*Сначала у меня была такая же реакция
It's okay, not two ?a year has passed
Агась?It's okay, not two ?
Po nachenski zagovorila YraАгась?
Po nachenski zagovorila Yra